El programa Amigos de La Neo EEUU // Friends of La Neo USA

El programa Amigos de La Neo EEUU, esta basado en el apoyo de mecenas y filántropos que den sosten económico a los diferentes programas de la organizacion Nonprofit Arthouse y Building Bridges en LA. Los fondos recaudados se destinan integramente al beneficio social para artistas Americanos. Programas que brindan apoyo y financiacion a artistas mediante residencias, exhibiciones, becas. Dentro de los programas educativos, Arthouse desarrolla acciones en apoyo a un arte comprometido con minorias sociales, diversidad LGTBQ, Feminismos y una especial atencion y apoyo a la creación artistica creada por mujeres. La visibilidad y la financiacion son fundamentales para la transformacion social. Dentro de la colaboración que Arthouse desarrolla con fundaciones e instituciones destaca el apoyo a jovenes artistas sin recursos. Apoya nuestros programas de residencias con Building Bridges a favor de la internacionalizacion de Artistas de EEUU. Tus fondos son importantes para que el arte sea una herramienta social. ecológica, feminista y un altavoz a favor de temáticas sensibles de colectivos, minorias, migrantes, favoreciendo el I+D+C de las/ los creadores.


The Friends of La Neo USA program is based on the contributions of patrons and philanthropists who provide financial support to the various programs of the Nonprofit Arthouse and Building Bridges Art Exchange organizations in LA. The funds raised are entirely dedicated to benefitting American artists. The program offers support and funding to artists through residencies, exhibitions, and scholarships. Within its educational programs, Arthouse takes action to support art committed to social minorities, LGBTQ diversity, feminism, and gives special attention to artistic creation by women. Visibility and funding are fundamental for social transformation. As part of the collaboration that Arthouse develops with foundations and institutions, support for young artists without resources stands out. Building Bridges Art Exchange's artist residency programs help to build and strengthen creative communities by working with local, national and international artists and curators. Your funds are important to ensure that art can be a social, ecological, and feminist tool that provides a platform for exploring sensitive issues experienced by collectives, minorities, and migrants, while promoting the research and development of creators.

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